
New App lets users see who deleted them from their friend list

Who Deleted Me on Facebook app has been released on Android and iOS, which allows users to keep track of their friends list.
According to, the app is similar to Who Unfollowed Me for Twitter, which tells the users when friends have disappeared from their list and whether they have deactivated their accounts or actually deleted the user.
When the users download the app it will not show them friends who have deleted them in the earlier period. It only starts tracking from the time the user activate it.It also shows which of your friends’ accounts have become deactivated, who is online and keeps a track of friend numbers.

The app was created by Exeter-based developer Anthony Kuske and is available for free on Android and iOS. There is also a free browser extension for Chrome.

Once the app has been installed, users connect their Facebook account by signing in securely.

The opening screen shows how many friends that user has and clicking ‘View Friend List’ reveals a page of lists.

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