
Swiss lead in innovation index list, India lags behind at 81

Switzerland topped the GII (Global Innovation Index) followed by the United Kingdom and Sweden securing number two and three positions respectively. Meanwhile India secured 81st position out of a 141 countries surveyed.

India tops South Asian region despite slip in rankings

India has slipped to 81st position in the Global Innovation Index (GII) 2015 report, a decline by five positions as compared to last year, but maintained its numero uno rank in Central and South Asian region. The study, which ranked 141 economies across the world on their innovation capacity and efficiency, however, said that India has outperformed its peers in the Central and Southern Asian Region (CSA) and positioned itself as innovation achiever in the lower-middle income category.

The GII study, released today, was published by Cornell University, INSEAD France and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Over the last four years, India has witnessed a reduction in its overall GII ranking, which dropped from 62nd place in 2011 to 76th in 2014.

“This change in ranking can be primarily attributed to two major factors. The first concerns the changing dynamics of the country’s political, educational and business environment, and the second concerns the structural change GII has undergone to improve itself as an assessment tool over the years,” the GII report pointed out.

According to GII data, the input parameters in which India has consistently performed poorly during the last four years are political stability, ease of starting a business, tertiary inbound mobility, and environmental performance. Last year, India was ranked 76th in the GII while in 2013 it secured 66th. In 2012 it was 64th and 62nd in 2011. However, in Central and South Asia, India has performed fairly well as compared to other countries in the regional group. In (CSA), Kazakhstan and Sri Lanka have secured second and third positions respectively.

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