
Whatsapp now allows filesharing, text formatting

Social messaging site WhatsApp has added a new arrow to its quiver, to amaze the users. Android phones has join hands with WhatsApp to give a new look to the messaging site. Now, the new update will allow the users to type the text in bold and italic. The new add-up will only highlight if someone wants to include it.

Along with the new change, new improvements have been made to the documents file also.   Now the user can share a document through Google Drive. Although, all of the files will be automatically converted to PDF format before sending it to other users.

In addition, WhatsApp will also display a progress percentage whenever an automatic local backup is in motion.

How to format text in Whatsapp?

The users will now be able to highlight the text in a message in bold and italics. To highlight the text in italics and bold, an underscore (_) and an asterik (*) sign needs to be added in the beginning and end of the sentence, respectively.

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