
Nagar Nigam appoints 5 member committe to study house tax situation in Doon

The Nagar Nigam has constituted a five-member committee of councillors to study the house tax in the capital city and give suggestions to the civic body, which is in the thick of revising it after two years.

Unlike the earlier practice, in which the house taxes were levied depending on the wards, the Nagar Nigam is planning to charge the taxes on the basis of the locality this time.

“House tax has to be revised every two years. I have made a five-member committee which will help in deciding the rate of tax for all the localities within Nagar Nigam’s ambit.

“Till now, the tax was taken according to the wards but now we are trying to levy it as per the colony,” said mayor Vinod Chamoli.

The house tax will be levied on the basis of parameters like the category of the house, width of the road in the area and others. Later, the recommendations will be sent to the government for approval.

Daya Joshi, a committee member, told TOI, “In the Monday’s committee meeting, it was decided that the house tax for posh areas, slums, and other localities will be revised based on the conditions of the houses as well as if they have a 12-feet wide road.”

Currently, the rate of house tax is between 50 paise to Rs 2.25 per square feet.

Ajay Singhal, another committee member, said that the corporation members are against a substantial hike in the house tax in the city.

“The rates are revised to generate revenue for the corporation. But all the members are against the idea of increasing the tax rate by a large margin.

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