
Stepmother kills 21 year old step daughter over property issue in Dehradun

For the sake of the property, the stepmother not only ruthlessly killed her step daughter, but also cut the dead body into two pieces and put it in the store. Nobody was aware of the incident, and she continued to misguide by telling relatives and her friends that the 21 year old had gone to Delhi for interview. When one of the friend of the young woman along with her relatives searched, the incident opened up. After this mobile call detail brought the step mother’s hand in front of everyone. In late evening, police arrested the accused and recovered the body from the house.

Patel Nagar Kotwali Inspector Ritesh Shah said that Meenu Kaur lodged a missing complaint of her daughter Prapti Singh (21) daughter of late Ajit Pal in Patel Nagar on Thursday. The step mother had told the police that she had come to leave her at ISBT on February 7 and that Prapti had an interview in a company in Delhi. On the way to Delhi, she talked twice, since then her phone has been switched off. The police started searching for missing documents. When the relatives pressurized Meenu to file a missing complaint, the step mother reached Patel nagar Kotwali on Thursday and she wrote the report of missing daughter. In her complaint she told the police that she herself got the receipt in the bus going to Delhi. After that she also talked to Prapti on mobile twice. But when the police traced the location of the mobile between Prapti and Monu, the lies of the step mother were revealed. The location of the mother-daughter’s mobile was available from Tuesday evening to Wednesday only on Ansari Marg. When the police asked Meenu about this, she tried to mislead here too.
On Friday, Meenu was questioned strictly, where she succumbed to the police questions. She confessed that she had murdered her and that the body was in the house. When the police arrived at the spot, there was a lot of bad odor from the room. When the room was opened with a key, the body of Prapti was in the store room adjacent to the bathroom in two pieces. The police also recovered brick and khukri used in the murder.

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