
MWC 2020 cancelled due to Corona Virus outbreak

After China, Corona Virus is now spreading rapidly worldwide. Now this virus has also affected the tech industry. In view of the threat of this virus, GSMA has canceled the world’s largest tech event Mobile World Congress 2020. The GSMA company has been organizing this event. Earlier, companies like Nokia, Facebook, Vivo, Sony and Amazon backed out of the event. At the same time, these companies had said that they will not participate in this event, because they want to protect their employees and partners from this virus.

Mobile World Congress 2020 cancelled

GSMA says that “we do not want to allow this virus to spread in Barcelona. This is the reason we have canceled this event. The company has further said that we are with China and people battling this virus”. At the same time, it is expected that this event will be held in the next year i.e. 2021.

These companies did not participate in MWC 2020

Nokia, Amazon, Sony, Vivo, LG and Nvidia refused had backed out of the event a few days ago. These companies said that “we will not allow this virus to spread and we are with all those people who are battling this dangerous virus.”

Corona virus is very dangerous. Most countries are struggling with this virus and so far no one has found a cure for it. More than 40,000 people in China are affected by this virus and more than 700 people have lost their lives.

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