
Dehradun district likely to be declared red zone

With 34 news Corona cases detected in Dehradun, only a formal declaration remains to include the district in the red zone. With this, the number of active cases in the district rose to 265. Its official announcement is likely to be made by the Uttarakhand government on June 7. If in the meantime,unless a record number of patients recover in the state during that period, then Dehradun is all set to join Nainital as a red zone district in Uttarakhand.

The Uttarakhand government has set six standards for red, orange and green zones. Talking about the red zone, if three standards are met in this category then the respective zone will be considered as red. Doon was already in the Red category in overall active case and doubling rate. On Thursday, Doon fell into the Red category in terms of active cases per lakh population. In early May, Doon was placed in the Orange category from Red. This category of Dehradun continued in the zoning of 18 May, 24 May and 31 May. But, now the danger has increased on Doon. If the total number of active cases does not fall below 255 by June 7, it will not be possible for Doon to be in Orange category.

Parameters for red zone

When active cases over 200: 265 cases were registered in Doon till Thursday afternoon.

Active case per lakh population: Red category if there are more than 15 numbers. The number has now reached 15.60.

Doubling rate (on a weekly basis): The speed of the corona infection doubling should be more than 14 days. At this time, cases are doubling in Doon in an interval of about seven days.

These restrictions will apply if red zone is created

  • Market opening hours from 7 am to 4 pm
  • All offices will be open till four o’clock in the evening, except for the necessary service.
  • In all offices, A and B category personnel will be have a 100 percent attendance and while 33 percent of remaining category employees will be required to be present.
  • Restrictions on all public transport except for transportation of passengers from railway station and airport.
  • To get out of the district or to come in, an e-pass or offline pass has to be made by the competent authority.

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