
Bank manager robbed off Rs 18 lakh

A Punjab National Bank manager posted in Naugaon area of Uttarkashi district was allegedly robbed of Rs 18 lakh in Tehri, while he was on his way to Dehradun to deposit the money in a bank branch at Ashley Hall.

Three miscreants stopped bank manager’s vehicle near Kempty Fall in Tehri district and entered the car by brandishing a gun. One of them drove the car for nearly two hours and stopped the vehicle in Vikas Nagar area of Dehradun, after which the criminal decamped with the bag containing the cash.

Around 9:30 am, bank manager Ved Prakash Sharma left Uttarkashi for Dehradun in a car owned by Vishal Singh, a class IV employee of the bank. He was on way to the state capital to deposit Rs 18 lakh at the bank’s Ashley Hall branch. Singh was driving the car.

However, near Kempty Fall, another car with five persons inside, overtook Singh’s vehicle and forced him to stop. Three men came out of the car and held Sharma and Singh at gunpoint. Two of them sat on the back seat along with Singh, while the third person drove the vehicle. The car was stopped near the Dhakrani power house in Vikas Nagar area, Sharma said in his complaint.

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