Helmet compulsory for pillion riders in Dehradun from August 10 onwards

Pillion riders in Dehradun will have to wear helmets on two-wheeler from August 10. On not doing so, the police will take action under the Motor Vehicle Act. On the order of the High Court, police will launch a campaign in this effect from August 10. Deputy Traffic SP Traffic Lokeshwar Singh of Dehradun said that considering the road accidents, the Uttarakhand High Court had made helmets compulsory for the rear riding ride on two wheelers. The Road Safety Committee formed after the order of the court asked to run a campaign promoting double helmets in Dehradun. If the two riders aboard the two-wheeler from 10th August do not wear helmets, then the action will be taken against them under the MV Act. SP Traffic has urged two-wheeler riders to wear helmets for the pillion riding while following the traffic rules.
Will it be done. Last time 20 May 2016, we got the same news. But nobody cared. Within a week entire thing was forgotten