Hit and Run Verdict: Salman Khan sentenced to 5 years of Jail time

Bollywood star Salman Khan was on Wednesday sentenced to five years in prison after being found guilty by a court in Mumbai of killing a homeless man in a 2002 hit-and-run crash after a night out drinking.
While convicting Khan, sessions court judge DW Deshpande said all the charges against the star, including culpable homicide not amounting to murder, had been proved. Khan was taken into custody after the sentencing and would be sent to Arthur Road Jail later in the day.
Defence lawyer Abha Singh said justice had finally been done.
“I am very happy,” she told the media. “Justice has been done. The law has been upheld.”
She said the long delay had given the impression that the rich could get away with murder in India, and that the moneyed were above the law.
Salman has been found guilty of endangering the life and personal safety of others, drunk driving, not informing the police and leaving the spot after the accident. Salman has also been found guilty of failing to report an accident involving his vehicle and the actor faces imprisonment upto 10 years.
During the course of the trial, the prosecution presented 27 witnesses including the actor’s bodyguard, the bar staff, policemen and a parking attendant whereas the defence only produced Salman’s driver Ashok Singh (who claimed to be driving the vehicle at the time of the incident) as the defence witness.