Bank employee asks for leave; cites ‘to kill wife’ in reason for leave

On the absence of a holiday for the discharge of the burden of work and work pressure, there is often news of employees’ suicides. A unique case has been reported in Buxar, in which, a bank manager, sent his leave application to the Human Rights Commission and the President, including he banks top officials, in the name of killing his wife. As soon as this was known, the said manager’s leave was approved on behalf of the bank.
The matter relates to Munna Prasad, a single employee of Rural Bank, working as a manager in South Bihar Rural Bank. His wife is suffering from kidney disease and reportedly he was not being given leave to the to look after her during her treatment.
Not only that, repeatedly giving an application for leave to the head office, an officer chided him and said that he could now be given a leave only for the cremation of his wife. After that, he sent a copy of the letter to the head office Patna and sent a concerned copy to the President, the Chief Minister, the National Human Rights Commission and the Prime Minister.
Distressed Munna Prasad wrote in the letter that he wanted only two days’ leave to kill his wife and to perform the last rites. This letter of Munna Prasad rattled the top bosses. And he was immediately discharged.
In this regard, the officials of the rural bank say that due to being a single branch, the employee employed here has to give the other employee the option before discharging, so that the work of the branch is not affected.
At the same time, Regional Manager of Bhabua area Yogendra Nath Singh told that whenever he has asked for a leave, it has been given. This time he got discharged after getting the application. He has not given any application for transfer to any other branch. If he applies for the transfer, then it will also be considered.