Man claiming to be from the year 6491 passes lie detector test
If you meet a person who says that he has come from the future. Surely you would have second thoughts about their claim. But in America, a man named James Oliver has claimed that he belongs to another planet and has come from the future.
James Oliver says that his planet is currently running 6491 years and he was sent to visit Earth. There was some problem in his time machine, due to which he got stuck here. James has warned against global warming that the way the Earth is getting warmer will have a great deal of harm. Very soon the inhabitants of the other planet will be in front of the people.
The special thing is that when his Lie Detector was conducted, his answers to all the questions were found to be correct. Paranormal experts say that he was not sure about what he said. But he was shocked by the results of the test. Apex TV of the Paranormal YouTube site conducted the lie detector test. James claims that he came from a planet where the years are longer. His planet is also farther away from the sun that the Earth is from the sun.
Although there are quite a good mathematician on his planet who calculate the civilizations years. James, who called himself from a second planet, had earlier claimed the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. This person also says that there are many species and other planets present in the universe, on which there is life. The inhabitants of these planets will meet very soon. He works in an institution, which is like the United Nations and works to establish peace between the planets. His closest friend is from another galaxy.
James said that the people of his planet have an Artificial Intelligence System, which is named as Apple Operating Systems Assistant SIRI. He said that everyone in the future will have their own Artificial Intelligence system like SIRI.. However, when asked about the next US president, he said that he is not allowed to tell everything.