US study finds 1 in 13 cancer patient from India

In a alarming scenario, one in 13 cancer patients in the world is from India, according to a report.The National Cancer Institute (NCI), a unit of US Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS), has observed that India shares a large proportion of the global cancer burden, with rising mortality rates. The situation can improve with dissemination of useful and scientific information among the general populace, claimed NCI officials.
India has around 1.8 million people suffering from cancer, with breast, cervical and oral cancers as the biggest killers in the country.
The NCI, in association with Public Health Foundation of India and Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology (ICPO), Noida, has organised a two-day international workshop for scientific journalism, aimed at media professionals, on October 12 and 13.
Preetha Rajaraman, programme director, NCI (South Asia), said there is need for global co-ordination to defeat cancer, adding that India has a huge capacity and strong media network.
“The aim is to train journalists so they can convey accurate messages to the public about prevention and treatment,” Rajaraman was quoted as saying.