All P.U.C. Centres asked to link emission test data with VAHAN Database

Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has reiterated the necessity of linking all vehicle data with VAHAN database to avoid harassment and inconvenience to citizens. This information should be available to citizens in electronic form also in m-Parivahan and e-Challan platforms for their convenience. In a letter to the Chief Secretaries of all the States and Union Territories, the Ministry has stressed upon adopting this step urgently especially since the operationalization of certain provisions of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019 and the revised provisions for penalties for driving vehicle violating air pollution standards etc.
As per the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the Ministry had earlier issued a notification for amendment in the rule 115 0f central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 vide GSR 527 (E) dated 06.06.2018, for linkage of PUC certificate with VAHAN database.
The States and Union Territories have been asked to ensure that all PUC centres upload emission test data electronically to VAHAN database as per guidelines issued in compliance with Supreme Court directions.