CISCE 10th and 12th results announced
The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) declared the results for Class 10th (ICSE) and Class 12th (ISC) examinations on Monday.
To check the results, students can access the website of Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations and enter their course code and Unique ID.
Candidates can also check their results by sending SMS. To get ICSE Results 2015 mobile phone, a stuent needs to send: SMS ICSE<Space><Unique Id> to 09248082883.
To get ISC Results 2015 send SMS: ISC<Space><Unique Id> to 09248082883.
Over 1,50,000 students from as many as 1,850 schools in India and abroad had appeared for the 2015 ICSE Class 10 or Class X exams.
The number of schools that presented candidates in India and Abroad for the ICSE Examination is 1841
As many as 66 subjects which are offered to student are divided into three groups. Group I includes Compulsory Subjects — English, History, Civics & Geography, and Indian Language,