Google honors 14 year old from Noida for developing web safety app

A 14-year-old student from Noida created an app for which Google honored him. The student named Mrigank Pavagi has created an Android app called Webme, which gives information about the game to be safe in the Internet world.
According to the news of Hindustan Times, this app developed by the student came to the notice of Google for which the company has honored him. In fact, for the ‘Webme’ app on February 6, the third edition of the Google Web Rangers of Google India, Mrigank has been declared the winner.
Web Rangers is an annual program organized by Google. It was started in 2015. The aim of this contest is to encourage innovation or project related to Internet safety from the students. In the third edition of the Web Rangers Contest, 5,000 projects, campaigns and posters were received from across the country, and Mrigank’s name was included in three winners.
The winners are given tablets and certificates from Google India. Mrigank Pavagi is a Class 8th student in a school in Noida. He developed this app in 2017. Regarding the app, Mrigank says that this game has a total of 5 levels. If the player crosses every level, he is given a certificate to learn Internet Safety.