IMD predicts normal monsoon in India in 2022
The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has made the first prediction on monsoon 2022 on Thursday. On the forecast of Southwest Monsoon, it has been told that this year the monsoon will be ‘normal’. Every year the Meteorological Department issues forecast on monsoon rains in two phases. The first prediction takes place in April and the second in June. In the first stage, the forecast of rain during the monsoon season (June-September) in the entire country is presented by the Meteorological Department. According to the IMD, the rainfall is expected to be 96 to 104 per cent of the Long Period Average (LPA) of 87 cm for the period 1971-2020.
According to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of below normal rains in many parts of Northeast India, some parts of North-West India and southern parts of the southern peninsula. The average rainfall during June to September will now be considered to be 868.6 mm, as against 880.6 mm earlier. At the same time, private agency ‘Skymet’ has also predicted a normal monsoon in India. According to them, there is a 65% chance of normal rain. This will benefit the agriculture sector. In such rains, due to the arrival of monsoon in June and July, sowing can be done on time. The agency said that this is a good sign for India’s agriculture sector.
The Meteorological Department has made it clear in the monsoon forecast that there will be good rains across the country. More than normal rain has been predicted in North India. Less rain is expected in some areas of the Northeast. The effect of La Nina on monsoon will also be visible. Normal or above normal rainfall is very likely to occur over northern parts of peninsular India, central India, foothills of Himalayas and some parts of northwest India.
Monsoon in the country’s capital will peak in July
According to the information, monsoon will be at its peak in Delhi in July. During this, there may also be heavy rains. Normally the monsoon reaches from 26 to 27 June in the capital Delhi. Before this there will be pre-monsoon activities in the capital. This time the rain will be affected due to La Nina. However, by August, La Nina will reach neutral condition. According to Skymet, in the last year 2021, the country had received ‘normal’ rainfall during the four-month southwest monsoon season from June to September. Normal or above normal rainfall was recorded in the country for the third consecutive year. Rainfall was above normal in 2019 and 2020.