PM Modi appeals to countrymen to follow ‘Janta Curfew’ on March 22


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Janta Curfew: 22 March 7 A.m to 9 P.M

PM Modi addressed the nation today i.e 19 March, 2020. In this he appealed to the citizens to have self restraint. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that this time is like a crisis, which has put the entire human race in crisis. The PM said that when the First World War took plac or the second world war took place, so many countries were not affected even then, as have been effected by coronavirus. He said that 130 crores people of India have fought the coronavirus firmly. He said, that for the past few days it seems that some people have become relaxed. But this is not true. The PM said that it is not right to not be concerned about Coronavirus.

The PM said that whenever he has asked for anything from the country, people have not disappointed him. He thus appealed to the citizens to stay at home on March 22 (Sunday) as part of Janta Curfew. PM Modi said that so far no cure for the Coranavirus has been found, nor its vaccine has been created.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that after the first few days in some countries a sudden explosion of illness has occurred. The number of people infected with corona in these countries has increased very fast. The Government of India is keeping a close watch on this situation, this track record of spread of corona.

The PM said that today, in big and developed countries, we are seeing the widespread impact of the corona epidemic. So it is wrong to believe that it will not have an impact on India. Therefore, to combat this global epidemic, two main things are needed. First resolution and second restraint. Today 130 crore countrymen will have to make their determination firm that we as a citizen, will do our duty to stop this global epidemic, follow the guidelines of the central government, state governments.

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that today we have to take a pledge that we will avoid getting infected ourselves and save others from getting infected too. The PM said that in such a global pandemic, only one mantra works – we are healthy the world is healthy. In such a situation, when there is no medicine for this disease, our biggest need is to remain healthy.

The PM said about the second major need of restraint, that avoiding the crowd is moderation. He said that to overcome the danger of corona, social distancing is very important and also effective. Our determination and restraint can play a huge role in reducing the effects of this disease.

PM Modi further continued that, “this effort of ours on 22 March will be a symbol of our self-restraint, determination to perform duty in the national interest. The success of the Janata-curfew on 22 March, its experiences will also prepare us for the challenges to come. If possible, every person should call at least 10 other people every day and tell about the curfew as well as the measures to prevent coronavirus.”

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