RRB issues notification after rejecting 4 lakh job applications

Railway Recruitment Board has issued a notice in the application reject case of Group D. In the notice issued on the Railway Recruitment Board website, it is written that “we have received complaints about the candidates whose applications have been rejected on the basis of photo and sign and we are investigating all those applications. The final conclusion will be communicated to every candidate through email and SMS by 31 August 2019. It is advised to all the candidates to regularly check the official websites of the Railways.”
The Railways did not respond to the 4 lakh application rejections case. The notice was issued on the RRB website in the evening of 11 August. The last day to check the application status was 31 August. Applications of 4 lakh candidates were rejected but the Railways did not take any notice till 10 days. In such a situation, the candidates were very upset and were mailing and calling NDTV. When the applications are rejected by the candidates, the Railways says that the candidates’ applications have been rejected due to the invalid photo and sign. At the same time, the candidates claim that their photo was correct, yet their application was rejected. On this matter, a senior official of the Railway Recruitment Board told NDTV that the Railways would investigate the application from August 1.
The official had said that it may take a week for the board to investigate the complaints. If the number of complaints is high then it may take more time. He had said that only after investigation, the railways will be able to know whether the mistake is of the railway or of the candidates. If any mistake is found from the railway, then the railway will give the candidates a modification link to improve the application. Railways will recruit more than one lakh posts of Group D. 1.15 crore people have applied for recruitment to these posts, out of which 4 lakh applications have been rejected.