Woman dies after surgery deemed ‘200% safe’ by doctors; billed Rs 43 lakhs

Relatives of a 56-year-old woman who died after surgery at a city hospital have approached the Maharashtra Medical Council, claiming she died due to “gross negligence” of the hospital. They said the hospital convinced them that the patient needed to undergo a new and expensive heart valve procedure, claiming it was “200 per cent safe”.
“My mother-in-law Manju Bafna died a fortnight ago after being discharged from the hospital while still in coma,” said Sanjay Bharkatia.
The family then lodged a complaint with the Council as the “unprofessional attitude and gross medical negligence” on part of hospital cost her life, he said.
Hinduja Hospital has landed themselves in a hot soup after a 56-year-old Thane housewife lost her life after heart valve surgery in the presence of top heart specialists. According to reports by The Times of India, the Bafna family was assured that Manju Bafna’s heart surgery involving a transcatheter mitral valve was going to be 200 percent safe. Despite the reassurance given by the staff, the surgery costed Manju her life, and 43 lakh rupees that her husband Mithulal Bafna painstakingly coughed up, was gone down the drain. In what is seen as a case of medical negligence, TOI reports say that the heart valve, which was specially ordered for the surgery, “fell” into the heart during the procedure, which was stated as the cause of death.