Nainitaluttarakhand news

Dry weather, heat could spell doom for Naini lake

16 lakh liters of water is getting reduced daily from Naini lake. Due to this, the water level of the lake is declining by one inch every day. If this situation continues, then by the end of June or May, deltas will start appearing in the lake. Due to this, once again a situation of severe water crisis can arise in Nainital.

According to experts, this sharp drop in the water level of the lake is being done due to excessive drainage. Negligible rainfall in the last two months has also compounded problems. Presently the water level of the lake is at 6 feet 9 inches from the gate meter. Along with the common people of Nainital city, water is supplied to the hotels from Nainital. As per the rules, eight million liters of water (MLD) is taken from the lake daily.

Due to this the water level of the lake decreases by half an inch daily. But according to the irrigation department, which maintains the lake, suddenly the water level of the lake is decreasing by one inch daily for the last two weeks, which is a matter of great concern for Nainital. This means that 16 lakh liters of water is being extracted daily from the lake.

That much water is twice the daily requirement of Nainital. The Irrigation Department fears that if the water continues to drain at this speed, then soon the deltas will start appearing in the lake like 2017. Due to this there will be a situation of drinking water crisis.

There was a tremendous decrease in the water level of Naini lake in 2016 and 2017. At that time the water level of the lake had touched the zero level from the gate level. Due to this, the delta of the lake was visible. The fish had also died on the shores due to less water. In view of the water crisis, the administration had limited the drainage system from the lake at that time. Actually, most of the water in Nainital is supplied to hotels.

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