HNB Garhwal University Organises 9th Convocation; 3816 Conferred Degrees

It was time to bid adieu to the carefree university days and welcome adult life at Swami Manmanthan auditorium where 9th convocation ceremony of HNB Garhwal University Srinagar was conducted on December 1st. Students experienced bittersweet moments as they received their graduation degrees in the 9th convocation ceremony and said farewell to their student life.
A total of 3816 students were conferred their degrees including 59 gold medals were distributed to students from different subjects. Among all 3816 convocated degree holders, 147 were PhD scholars from different departments. HNB Garhwal University also conferred post graduate degree to 3559 students and 10 M.Phil Degress to students. One of the main highlights of the 9th convocation was Narendra Singh Negi, a well renowned Garhwali folk singer and poet who was awarded with Doctor of Letters.
The event was attended virtually by Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, the education minister, Government of India as a chief guest, Shri Vipin Rawat, Chief of Defense staff, Government of India who was present at the venue to grace the ceremony as a guest of honor along with Chancellor, Dr Yogendra Narayan, Professor Anpurna Nautiyal, Vice Chancellor and other officials.
Virtually addressing the ceremony, shri Dharmendra Pradhan congratulated all the awardees and expressed his happiness that HNB Garhwal university was contributing effectively in nation building. Expressing his views on new education policy shri Pradhan said that new education policy was going to be a key tool to fulfil dream and aspirations of Indian Youth. Bringing attention to the fact minister said “The Idea and philosophy of India is now being part of education through this new education policy.”
Quoting PM Narendra Modi, Minister of Education said that youth of 21st century had capability to create their own world and bringing them to traditional knowledge system would act as liberating tool.
Ceremony was also Graced by General Vipin Rawat, first chief of defense staff, Government of India. Addressing the ceremony General Rawat congratulated the students and expressed his gratitude towards university. General Rawat said ” he is very proud and privilege to be present here”. Responding to the request made by Professor Annapurna Nautiyal regarding establishment of “a chair of excellence” in the university, General Rawat said that officials of ministry of defence and Indian Army would look after the possibility to establish the chair in the University. General Rawat also expressed his happiness that university was already running several courses which could fulfil the need of Indian army and the state of Uttrakhand which was a border state and had special needs.
First CDS of Independent India also reminded his ancestral root to uttrakhand and Garhwal region. Talking about difference between education and Knowledge Gen. Rawat said “ Education and Knowledge are two sides of the same coin but have different connotations and meanings. Universities provides degrees which is helpful in getting job but knowledge can be acquired through extensive research, observing surroundings and interacting to the society.”
Encouraging the students, chief of defence staff said that students should have focused on being a job givers instead of job seekers.
Thanking the university Veteran singer and poet said that university had honoured Garhwali culture and language through honouring him. He also expressed his hope that university would preserve, promote and brand Garhwali culture and language.
Convocation ceremony began with lightening of lamp and National song followed with welcome address by Prof. Annapurna Nautiyal, Vice Chancellor where she congratulated the graduating students and highlighted the commitment to the vision of the university. Addressing the ceremony vice chancellor said “Since its creation in 1973, University has travelled a long way and achieved many milestones. The transformation in academic and administrative set up and quality education based on performance indicators has allowed the University to work hard towards meeting the expectations of all stakeholders, achieving academic excellence, and motivating the youth.”
Informing about implementation of New Education Policy and credit transfer system Vice Chancellor Professor Annpurna Nautiyal said “A NEP working group of 42 members has finalized the ‘Implementation Framework” for the New Education Policy (NEP) and taking several initiatives for promoting Multidisciplinary, imaginative, flexible curricula with multiple entry and exit system even in traditional courses. Modifying Learning Outcome Based Curriculum; Experiential Learning; Credit Transfer of SWAYAM Courses (online courses); and Skill development courses. Development of new courses as recommended in NEP 2020 is in progress. The credit transfer, adoption of MOOCs, development of NAD-digi locker is under process.”
Vice chancellor also highlighted the academic and research achievements of the university and about proposed new courses and infrastructural developments in the campuses. Giving the details professor Nautiyal said “Currently 48 research projects are running in the university out of which 10 have been awarded during last one year. We have signed 05 MoU with national and international agencies and institutes during 2021. The faculty members have published 361 research papers in research journals, 130 chapters in the books, 27 books and 04 research journals. The faculty members and researcher have been granted 05 national and International patents.”
Informing about recent recruitments and ongoing process vice chancellor said that the process of filling up 240 vacancies in teaching and 218 vacancies in non-teaching was in process. In last one year twenty-two [22] faculties in various teaching cadres were appointed against the direct vacancies and thirty-three [33] faculties were promoted under CAS. Two statutory positions of Registrar and Controller of Examinations had also been filled. Twenty-nine non-teaching employees were also promoted after a long gap.
Speaking about the difficulties created by prevalence of COVID19 outbreak Professor Nautiyal said that the geographical difficulties, lack of easy accessibility, internet connectivity and competitive awareness hampered the process of critical thinking which intensified during COVID-19 but the chances of exposure, interactions and exchange with scholars from different parts of India and abroad by organizing and participating in various webinars, web lectures, conferences, workshops, celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, Ek Bharat Shrestra Bharat, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan etc. were proved beneficial for all stakeholders for achieving goal of all round excellence.
Proceeding over the ceremony Chancellor of the University, Dr. Yogendra Narayan welcomed chief guest and guest of honor. Giving his presidential address Dr. Narayan congratulated all the awardees and said “In the case of a University its basic role is academic; producing students well versed in the arts and sciences as well as in the assimilation of knowledge. This leads to good citizen building which is the base of a country’s growth. The other aim is to see how the University can play a pivotal role in development and in the achievement of the goals which the government has set for the country.”
Highlighting the national need Chancellor said “All Universities should also involve themselves in new areas of national interest e.g. Urban Planning, Public Health, Diplomacy, Waste Management, Disaster Management. We should become relevant to our country and not divorce academic activity from national requirements. ”
Ceremony was concluded with vote of thanks given by registrar of the university Dr. Ajay Kumar Khanduri followed by national anthem. Whole ceremony was successfully hosted by Dr. Sweta Verma and Dr. Himshikha Gossain. On this occasion convenor of the convocation Professor YP Raiwani, Professor DK Nauriyal, former vice chancellor, Dr. KC Sharma, EC Member, Professor Devi Prashad Tripathi, Vice Chancellor of Uttrakhand Sanskrit University, Professor A N Purohit Padma Shree and Former Vice Chancellor, Kalyan Singh Rawat, Padam Shree and Mahipal Singh, Secretary Alumni Association were also present in the ceremony along with faculty members and students.