Shortest day on Earth: Planet completes fastest rotation in less than 24 hours
Scientists and astronomers have made shocking revelations. It is claimed that the earth has started rotating faster than its normal speed. The speed of the Earth’s rotation was so fast that the rotation, which is completed in 24 hours, was completed before that. According to the information, on July 29, 2022, the Earth took less than 24 hours to complete one revolution on its axis.
On this day the Earth completed its rotation 1.59 milliseconds earlier. Which is more than the average speed.
Earlier scientists had the opposite claim
According to the Independent’s report, until a few years ago, scientists used to say that the Earth’s rotation is slowing down. In view of this, the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) started adding leap seconds for the slow spin. This was done till December 31, 2016. But then it was said that the earth is rotating rapidly. Atomic clocks have also shown that the speed of Earth’s rotation is accelerating. It can start negative leap second.
What was said in the report
Earth has increased its speed very fast in recent times. Due to the fast movement of the earth in 2020, the month of July was seen as the shortest. Since 1960, July 19, 2020 was the shortest day ever measured. On this day, the Earth completed its rotation in 1.47 milliseconds less time. Whereas on July 26 this year, the earth turned around 1.50 milliseconds under 24 hours.
According to the report, there is a continuous increase in the speed of the earth. The reason for this can be the melting of glaciers, molten core of the earth and earthquakes. It can also happen due to continuous changes in the inner and outer layers of the core, oceans, tides or climate. A negative second leap will potentially cause many problems for the IT system especially GPS navigation systems.