
The Amazing World of Google

Think you know Everything About Google? Think again here are some of the services offered by Google that are sure to amaze you.

1. Google Adsense

The Google Adsense Program is a way for bloggers, webmasters to monetize their websites/blogs. The Google Adsense program is one of the best ways to monetize your site, get it right and you are talking big bucks.
A Google Account
Content to monetize (Website/Blog)
A postal address
You must have access to the Cpanel of your website/blog.

How it works?

Make your ad spaces available
You make your website ad spaces available by pasting ad code on your site, and choose where you want the ads to appear.
The highest paying ads appear on your site
Advertisers bid to show in your ad spaces in a real-time auction (read Google Adwords). The highest paying ad will show on your site.
You get paid
You start receiving money once visitors start clicking on the ads shown on your website. The CPC (Cost-per-click) is a complex algorithm developed by Google and so it varies from time to time.
There are however some tips you should follow before applying for the adsense program.

a. Traffic:

The traffic on your website is directly proportional to the amount of money you get. So, the more people you attract to your website, the fatter your wallet gets.

b. Content:

People at Google work extensively to create codes which show you the most appropriate results every time you hit the search button on Google. So ensure you have good quality original content on your website. Also keep in mind the maturity level of your audience, if your content is marked vulgar or sensitive chances are you won’t be getting adsense for that site.

c. Don’t be too eager:

Don’t get suckered into those flashy ads showing “I make xxxxxx amount of cash daily” (where xxxxxx is a 6 figure term generally in dollars). Remember the ocean wasn’t created in a day. Post around 15-20 good articles and then apply for adsense so the Google Bots know what your website is all about.

d. Never Click on your own ads:

Google is very specific about its adsense program, and if it smells something fishy it may ban your adsense account altogether. So, never think to outfox the world’s biggest search engine you might end up with nothing.
Note: these are only some tips and not the actual guidelines for Adsense program.

2. Google Drive

The virtual drive associated with every Google account offers you upto 15GB of free cloud storage. So now you can access your files on the go. Whats more is that Google Drive allows you to share a particular file with anyone whom you want. You can quickly invite others to view, download, and collaborate on all the files you want–no email attachment needed.

3. Google Merchandise Store

It is the online merchandise store of Google. Get everything from sweatshirts to chrome fortune balls on this site.

4. Google Cloud Print

Print anywhere, from any device.
Google Cloud Print is a new technology that connects your printers to the web. Using Google Cloud Print, you can make your home and work printers available to you and anyone you choose, from the applications you use every day. Google Cloud Print works on your phone, tablet, Chromebook, PC, and any other web-connected device you want to print from.

5. Google sites

Google Sites is a structured wiki- and Web page-creation tool offered by Google as part of the Google Apps for Work productivity suite. The goal of Google Sites is for anyone to be able to create a team-oriented site where multiple people can collaborate and share files.

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