Grocery shops to open from 7 am to 12 noon on 21 May

During the Covid curfew in the state on Friday, the general public has been given more time to shop for groceries other essential items. Ration shops, general stores, grocery stores will be open from 7 am to 12 noon on 21st May. Chief Secretary Om Prakash issued an order in this regard on Thursday. Earlier in the mandate issued on May 17, the period of opening of ration shops, groceries shops was fixed from 7 am to 10 am on Friday. The government has decided to provide this relief in view of the problems faced by the general public due to the closure of shops for a week. Only this amendment has been made in the previous 17 May mandate.
The government has increased the Covid curfew across the state till May 25 to prevent the ever increasing corona infection in the state. Due to this, the opening time of shops was also reduced.
In the order issued on May 17, the government had made a provision that now registration will have to be done on the portal of smart city to go from one place to another within the state, but people going from the plains to the mountain districts have to keep a 72-hour RTPCR negative report with them. The provision of 72-hour RTPCR negative report was also in the earlier SOP.
Because of this, people moving from one place to another in the mountain districts were facing restrictions. There was doubt about the matter, the government has cleared this doubt.