Middle to High school students performance ahead of national average in Uttarakhand

The students of class VIII and X in government schools of Uttarakhand have surpassed the national average in educational level. This aspect has also come to the fore in the National Achievement Survey-2021 (NAS) report released on Friday. However. the academic performance of the students at the basic level is poor.
Students of class III and V have been found weak in languages, maths and EVS. The students of both these classes are below by three to six percent in the national educational average. In order to assess the educational level of students of government schools, a national level intensive survey was conducted in November 2021 last year.
Students of classes III, V, VIII and X had taken examinations in certain subjects. In this 65 thousand 870 students of 2562 schools of Uttarakhand participated. 11,347 teachers were taken in the survey. Corona is also being considered as a major reason for the weak condition in the NSS report.
Subject wise academic intelligence of students has also been assessed in NAS. The number of students having complete understanding of the subject as per their class is very less in each class. In Class III, 38 percent students were found below the basic level in the languages subject.