Haridwaruttarakhand news

No LPG cylinders for IOC consumers for a week

Shortage due to Kanwar Yatra

Consumers getting LPG gas cylinders through IOC supplied gas agencies won’t be receiving gas cylinders this week due to the ongoing Kanwar yatra. Traffic diversions and blockages all along the Kanwar Yatra route alongwith the backlog of connections have had an effect on the cylinder stock at the IOC gas plant in Haridwar. This will have an impact on the distribution of LPG cylinders in the entire Garhwal region. The plant has ran out of stock on Thursday and it is estimated to take a week for normal supply to resume again. Meanwhile distributing agencies expressed their fears of public outrage if gas is not supplied on time, they have written to the concerned authorities for protection in case things get out of hand.

BPC and HPC supply not affected

BPC and HPC the other two gas suppliers in the state have reported no such supply issues and are hopeful that they won’t be affected by the yatra.

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