uttarakhand news

State sports university bill introduced in monsoon assembly session

The State Sports University Bill was introduced on the second day of the monsoon session of the Uttarakhand Assembly. This will be the first sports university of the state, in which players will get all the modern sports facilities.

The bill said that the Governor will be the Chancellor of the university. At the same time, the government will give a corpus fund of Rs 10 crore for the university. The bill said that the proposal to confer any honorary degree or other distinctions will be made only after the approval of the Chancellor, while the Vice Chancellor will be a full-time salaried officer of the university.

The Chancellor will appoint him from among such persons, whose names will be submitted to him by the committee constituted for this. The age of the Vice Chancellor should not be less than 40 years and not more than 65 years. The Vice Chancellor will be appointed for three years. Who will be eligible for reappointment for a further three years.

The bill also said that if the Chancellor does not find any suitable and senior professor in the university, then he can hand over the additional charge of Vice Chancellor to any other Vice Chancellor of the State University. At the same time, the state government will have the power to issue such instructions from time to time, which are to comply with the provisions made.

The university will be bound to follow such instructions. The first bye-laws of the university will be made by the Executive Council, which will be submitted to the State Government for approval within three months of the implementation of this Act. Which the State Government will send to the Chancellor within 90 days for testing or return to the Executive Council.

Objective of the University

The bill states that the objective of the Sports University is educational training and research in the fields of sports and sports science, sports technology, arts and athletics. Especially priority sports like badminton, boxing, judo, taekwondo, shooting, volleyball etc. which are defined in the State Sports Policy 2021. To establish specialized centers and institutes of excellence to provide high performance sports training for Olympic sports, focusing specifically on these sports.

Other institutions can be affiliated to the university

Any college or institute can be affiliated after the approval of the state government. For affiliation, any school, institute or college will have to submit an online application to the Registrar six months before the proposed date of starting the course. For this, the concerned person should have the necessary land, infrastructure, teaching faculty and other facilities as per the norms of the university.

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