Student Activist group steps up to fight the poster menace in the city

MAD presents comprehensive report on Posters’ menace to Mayor,MNA
Members of Doon based student activist group, Making a Difference by Being the Difference (MAD) met with Mayor Vinod Chamoli today and handed over a comprehensive report on the posters menace which has defaced most public/private walls in Dehradun city.
The report identifies more than 20 walls in different parts of the city. Photographs have been attached with the name and site map of locations so that it would be easier for Nagar Nigam to take corrective legal and on-ground action.
MAD members had been earlier working closely with former Mukhya Nagar Adhikari Harak Singh Rawat to combat this menace. The team had started working on the report since August last year. But with the ouster of Mr. Rawat there was a lull period between Nagar Nigam and MAD.
In March, the group revived its efforts to ensure that the locations covered are most contemporary. MAD members Saurabh Nautiyal, Nandita khanduri,Shaurav, Saurav Joshi had worked with Prachi Batola, all college students in making the report.
“Even though posters seem to be a short term problem; it becomes a permissible tradition and that makes it a long term problem which is spoiling the landscape of our beautiful city. They have not even spared our wall murals which had been painted to transform shabby locations.” Explains Abhijay Negi, Founder and Chairperson of MAD.
Along with their Sunday to Sunday activities, MAD has always engaged the Government with RTIs, reports and petitions on various issues of social importance. Karan Kapoor and Rahul Guru were the members who met the Mayor to hand over the report. A copy of the same was also marked to Mukhya Nagar Adhikari. MAD has hoped that the Nagar Nigam would oblige them with atleast a response if not prompt action.