U-SET 2017 paper to comprise of 175 objective questions

Preparations of the Uttarakhand State Eligibility Test (U-Set), proposed by the University of Kumaon on October 29, are going on expeditiously. Five places in Kumaon have been chosen for examination, while center in six cities has been set up in Garhwal region. Till date, ten thousand candidates have been registered for the examination. In the first paper of the examination, 50 questions will be needed to be solved out of 60 while all the 50 questions in the second paper and all 75 questions in the third paper will be compulsory. In about four hours, students will have to answer 175 options based questions. Total marks will be 350. Negative will not be marked in the evaluation.
Kumaum University is organizing a U-Set exam for the third time. Due to the successful completion of few candidates in the NET examination, the UGC has relaxed the states for conducting State Eligibility Examinations. The first paper will be from 9.30 am to 9:45 am, second from 11am to 12.00pm and from 2:30 pm to 4 pm.
Exam to be held for following 27 subjects
Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, History, Psychology, Physics, Home Science, Defense and Strategic Studies, Geo and Environmental Sciences, Mathematical Science, Chemistry, Biology, Commerce, Computer Science Application, Environmental Science, Management, Visual Art, Liberiary and Information Science, Philosophy.
U-SET 2017 Examination centers in these cities
Almora, Nainital, Pant Nagar, Haldwani, Pithoragarh, Gopeshwar, Uttarkashi, Srinagar Garhwal, Dehradun, Haridwar, Roorkee.
General Application Fee: One Thousand
ST-ST, OBC, Divyang applicant fee: Six hundred
Last date for registration: September 22
Deadline for submission of fee: 24 September