Uttarakhand Corona cases 28 May: 493 cases found till date


As per the health bulletin issued on Thursday, May 28, a total of 493 Corona cases have been found in Uttarakhand. Out these 79 have been cured and discharged. The total number of active cases in the state stands at 407.

On Wednesday, a total of six Corona-positive patients, including three more related to the vegetable market, appeared in the capital. All of them have been admitted to Doon Hospital.

Mandi Parishad President Rajesh Sharma has called an emergency meeting of market officer employees and workers. The shops of two of the positive patients are in the closed part of the market, while one patient shop is being sealed due to being in the other part. The three persons had gotten themselves tested in a private lab.

The process of re-sanitizing the surrounding shops and the entire mandi complex has also started.

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Considering running fruit and vegetable market alternate days

Market President Rajesh Sharma said that it is being considered to run fruit and vegetable market on an alternate day basis.

On the other hand, Corona’s State Coordinator and Doon Hospital Deputy Dr NS Khatri said that apart from the three people, two suspects already admitted in the hospital, a youth from Rudraprayag, who is undergoing treatment at Sri Mahant Indresh Hospital, has also been admitted to Doon Hospital after confirmation of Corona.

Results of over 4000 samples is yet to come as per the health bulletin issued on 28 May till 2 P.M. The doubling rate of Corona in the last 7 days in Uttarakhand is 3.99 days.

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