
AI to diagnose sleep disorders

Good and adequate sleep is very important to stay healthy. Due to today’s fast paced life many people are struggling with sleep disorders. This is affecting their health. Scientists have got a big success in this matter. Scientists have developed artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to improve the detection and treatment of sleep disorders. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Computer Science, in collaboration with the Dennis Center for Sleep Medicine, conducted a study in this regard.

Sleep disorders include insomnia, sleep apnea (interruptions in breathing while sleeping) and narcolepsy (sleep disorders involving the nerves). Most of the people suffering from these diseases do not even know about their disease. Therefore, proper treatment is also not possible. Mathias Perslev, lead author of a recent research article published in the NPJ Digital Medicine journal, pointed out that the algorithm is very accurate. ‘We did many tests to see how effective it is. Currently, a variety of tools are used to diagnose sleep disorders.’ Experts in these diseases review the data collected by examining them for seven-eight hours overnight. Doctors classify sleep stages by dividing seven to eight hours of sleep into 30-second intervals. E.g. REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, light sleep, deep sleep etc. However, this investigation takes a long time, while the algorithm developed by the scientists can do this work in a few seconds.

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