Donald Trum wants Spain to a build a wall across Sahara
US President Donald Trump, who spoke about the creation of a wall to prevent illegal migration to the US and Mexican borders, has now talked of building a wall in the world’s largest desert. Trump has now told the Spanish government that it should consider building a large wall in Sahara to prevent the wildly escaping of South Africa’s Sahara. Sahara desert is the world’s largest desert. Spain shares it borders with Morocco, and a large part of it is surrounded by the Sahara desert, from here, a large number of people migrate to Europe every year.
Spain’s Foreign Minister recently revealed this. According to Joseph Borel, Trump believes that the Sahara border is not as big as the US and Mexico have. The Sahara range is about 3 thousand miles long. Trump had stressed in his election speeches in 2016 that after he became the President, he would stop the migration on the US and Mexico borders and build a wall. Both countries share a 2 thousand mile-long border.
Trump wants Spain to work on this formula. But as easy as saying, it is as difficult to implement. Only two small parts of Spain in North Africa are Ceuta and Melilla. If the whole wall is to be built, it would mean that Spain will have to build it on another country’s land. This statement of Borell has become the subject of discussion in the Spanish media. A foreign ministry spokesman said on the issue, “We can not comment any more on this matter.”
Every year, through the Mediterranean, people come to Spain with a large number of migrations from Africa. So far 33,600 people have come illegally in Spain this year. However, 1723 people lost their lives. Last year too nearly as many refugees tried to infiltrate.