Face shield ineffective against Coronavirus reveals Japanese supercomputer


For the last 7 months, people all over the world have been battling the coronavirus epidemic.Very few remained untouched by Covid-19 and now the disease is holding everyone in its grip. Every day new methods are coming out for prevention of corona infection. Scientists from all countries including India are working on the vaccine to protect it.

In order to win the battle of Corona, it has become common practice to follow masks, face covers, gloves and social distancing, so now people are also using other methods to protect themselves from this infection. These days, people are seen using plastic face shield for outside traffic and working in office. But it cannot prevent the entry of corona.

According to a simulation of the Japanese supercomputer Fugaku, the plastic face shield that people wear with a shield on the face to avoid Covid-19 these days has not been proven to be an effective tool in capturing aerosols. This plastic shield cannot protect anyone completely from Covid-19.

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The world’s fastest supercomputer Fugaku has simulated the plastic face shield used during the Covid-19, in which 100 per cent of airborne droplets were smaller than 5 micrometers that could be travel through plastic visors. So it shows that you cannot reduce the effect of Covid infection even with such transparent face shield. One millionth of a meter is a micrometer. According to a government-backed research institute, about half of the large drop of more than 50 micrometers were also able to escape into the air.

Motu Tsubokura, the head of the team at Riken’s center for computer science, told the Guardian that the face shield should not be seen as an alternative to masks, and further stated that visors were far less effective than face masks.

It is known that the speed of the Fugaku supercomputer of the Japanese company Riken Scientific Research Center is very fast. Which can count 415 quadrillion calculations in a second. It has also found out how water droplets spread through the breath. It is being told that this supercomputer is also engaged in searching the coronavirus vaccine.

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