Iranian oil tanker hit by missile off Saudi coast


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Iran’s oil tanker was attacked by two missiles near Saudi Arabia’s coast, followed by a massive explosion. There are reports of heavy losses to the oil tanker. Iran’s oil company says that the super tanker named Sabiti received these attacks on Friday morning, 60 miles from Jeddah port. Irani’s news agency ISNA has reported that two Vessel tanks have been badly damaged by this attack, putting the threat of oil leaking in the Red Sea.

News agencies have reported in their report that the tanker was heading towards its destination via the Red Sea. These attacks have taken place at a time when tensions in the US and China have reached their peak. Saudi Arabia has not responded to this attack. Currently, the crew members are said to be safe and the oil spill has also been stopped. Experts said that the terrorists’ involvement in this attack cannot be denied. Not only this, tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran have increased further.

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Tensions between Tehran and Riyadh have increased since Saudi Arabia’s oil plants were attacked with missiles on 14 September. The Hutti rebels had claimed responsibility for these attacks, but both Saudi Arabia and the United States had told Iran’s hand behind these attacks. After this attack, Saudi Arabia announced a cut in oil production, which led to an increase in oil prices.

According to the news agency Reuters, oil prices rose by two per cent after the attack on the Iranian oil tanker. The international benchmark crude oil price rose 2.3 per cent to $ 60.46 a barrel from $ 60.13 a barrel. At West Texas Intermediate, crude prices rose 2.1 percent to $ 54.69 a barrel. It was earlier at $ 54.47 per barrel. On the other hand, due to sanctions imposed on Iran by the US, about 300 tankers all over the world have distanced themselves from trade. This may lead to further increase in oil prices in the coming days.

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