More than 200 reindeer’s dead in Norway; researchers blame climate change

In European country Norway, searchers have found more than 200 deer dead. According to the local media report, these reindeer’s died due to hunger in the Norwegian Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard. Three explorers of the Norwegian Polar Institute have said that the accident was due to climate change and lack of food. Never before did such an event happen.
According to the report of Xinhua News Agency, the institute has mapped wild deer stock on Svalbard for 40 years as it is a major species to understand the tundra ecosystem. Researcher Sold Onvic Pedersen says, “It is scary to meet so many dead animals, this is a terrible example of how climate change is affecting nature, it is just tragic.” He further said that the heavy rain in Svalbard in December had caused difficulties for animals to find food.
Deer graze around Svalbard, and in the winter, they migrate to tundra for food. They can dig food out of snow, but not with ice. The finder believes that death of so many deer is an example of how wildlife is affected due to climate change. Where these animals live far away from humans.
Another explorer of the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, said that the deer plays an important role in the Arctic ecosystem in Europe, Asia, and North America. He said, “Deer is the largest vegetarian in the Arctic areas. If it disappears,then the carnivores do not get meat, then the scenario will look very different.”