Rare flesh eating bacteria cases on the rise in Japan
A new dangerous disease is on the rise in Japan. In this, the bacteria starts eating the flesh of the patient’s body. It is Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS). According to the report, the patient dies within 48 hours due to this rare flesh eating bacteria.
So far 977 cases of this have been reported in Japan. This disease is caused by Group A Streptococcus (GAS) bacteria. It is most dangerous for children and the elderly. People infected with it first have swelling and sore throat.
Apart from this, problems like body pain, fever, low blood pressure, necrosis (body tissues die), breathing problems, organ failure also occur. Death occurs within a few hours. Streptococcus disease has now spread to 5 countries of Europe. These include Britain, France, Ireland, Netherlands and Sweden. Here this bacteria has attacked children the most.
2500 patients can come in a year, mortality rate 30%
According to doctors first the patient’s body, especially the leg, shows swelling, then after a few hours it spreads throughout the body. After this, the patient dies within 48 hours. It has appealed to people to wash hands frequently and treat open wounds immediately.
According to media reports, the rate at which this disease is spreading, it has been estimated that in the coming time, 2500 cases of this disease can come every year in Japan. At the same time, the mortality rate could reach 30%.
According to doctors, early identification, care and immediate treatment are necessary to avoid the disease. To deal with STSS, a vaccine is also available in the market, which produces antibiotics in the body. The big thing is that this disease spreads from one person to another.