US pilots claim UFO sighting during training

The statement of some US Navy pilots has brought the story of aliens and flying saucers back into the discussion. These pilots claim that they had seen strange things flying in the air near the east coast of America between the summer of 2014 and March 2015. The top end of one of these was moving in the opposite direction of the wind. The special thing is that no engine was seen in them, but despite that they were getting supersonic speed and flying up to a height of 30 thousand feet. In 2014, a Super Hornet pilot was saved from collision. The video of these things flying in the air has also been made.
Four other pilots with pilot Lieutenant Ryan Graves of F / A-18 Super Hornet told The New York Times that from 2014 to 2015 they were training between Virginia and Florida. In the meantime, these strange things were visible to him. Graves also gave information about Defense Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program and Parliament to Headquarters. He said, ‘These strange things used to stay in the air all day long. To get any aircraft flying in the air for such a long time, we need a large amount of energy. Now the question is where did they get so much energy. “He said that many times the strange aircraft were seen many times before, but it was different from them all.”
Were the objects from the external world
Generally such strange things are considered to be from outside world. But the US Department of Defense denied this. Some experts say that the information about where these things came from is present on the Earth. Naval spokesman said, “There have been many reports regarding the strange things showing in the air. Some of these may also be commercial drones.” Even though it is not known who was operating it?