
Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange arrested in London

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested from the Ecuadoran Embassy in London. According to the news agency AFP, Assange was arrested on Thursday by British police.

Ecuador, in violation of international law, has termed Julian Assange’s political asylum as illegal. He was arrested by the British Police from the Ecuadoran Embassy. Julian Assange has been taken ‘out of the embassy’. Ambassador of Ecuador called the British Police in the embassy and after this the police arrested Julian Assange.

To avoid extradition to Sweden in one case of sexual harassment, Assange had taken refuge in the Embassy for the last 7 years. Assange, who published many classified US documents, had taken shelter at the Ecuadoran Embassy in London since 2012. However the case was later withdrawn against him.

The Metropolitan Police said that he (Julian Assange) has been taken into custody and will be presented to the court of Westminster Magistrate soon.

Julian Assange was forced out of the Ecuadorian embassy by the police. During this time, Julian Assange appeared to oppose the police action.

Sajid Javid, Member of Parliament for Bromsgrove, tweeted, “After nearly seven years of refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy, ​​I can confirm that Julian Assange is now in police custody and will face the law in London. I express gratitude to Ecuador and Metropolitan Police for this. No one is above the law. ‘

47-year-old Julian Assange is from the Queensland city of Australia. Julian Assange is said to be the master of computer coding, programming and hacking. In 2016, Assange created a website called ‘WikiLeaks’, through which he published more than four million documents related to the Iraq war, in which evidence of serious war crimes of US, England and NATO forces was present. After this, Assange became famous all over the world. In 2008, for his work on WikiLeaks, he was awarded The Economist Freedom of Expression Award and the 2010 Sam Adams Award.

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