Top free courses websites to grow tech skills


Education is a right that everyone has the freedom to access, thus it is important that it is free and easily accessible. With the digital age and online learning trend, various online platforms like Udemy, Upgrad, edx and many more have emerged which provide free courses to help one improve their knowledge and grow their tech skills.

In this article we shall be discussing the top websites that offer free courses to brush up your tech skills:

  1. Udemy: One of the most sought-after websites which offer a range of free courses on the various niche is Udemy. Whether it is a technical skill or a creative one, you can find all your courses online and improve your skills through Udemy. Targeted mainly at professional adults who are looking to fit education in their busy work schedule. While some courses on Udemy are free, others are also available at great discounts. Starting from the beginners’ course to the high-end professional ones, Udemy covers it all.

You can also look at the instructors’ course outline along with the reviews of previous candidates before opting for a course. Some courses of Udemy are also paid, which you can catch at exciting prices with various Udemy coupons and offers.

  1. White Hat Jr: Coding today is not just a talent, it is a skill that almost everyone possesses. While earlier it was restricted to working professionals being aware of different coding languages, White Hat Jr has brought learning coding to everyone’s reach. Now school kids too can design their own app and website by learning to code. The course offers hands-on experience and real-time feedback from the teachers.

Based on your understanding of coding, you can opt for various different types of courses, which will help make you smarter and technically skilled. The courses also include tutorials which you can use to polish your skills. So apart from learning new skills, you can also test the waters with these assignments.

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Along with free courses, you can also opt for some advanced level courses through discount coupons available for White Hat Jr.

  1. Edx: A massive open online course (MOOC) provider, who has collaborated with one of the top universities, schools, non-profit organizations, and corporations. The courses on edx are offered free of cost to all the users. Edx has short videos, tutorial videos, interactive learning exercises, online textbooks, and a forum where students can interact with one another, ask questions and reach out to teaching assistants from universities such as MIT and Harvard. After the end of the course, you will also receive a certificate, some courses are also considered as college or university credits, depending on the school.
  2. Upgrad: An online higher education platform that helps individuals keep up with the industry-relevant program, upGrad helps in learning new skills and polishing their old skills. The courses are designed and delivered in collaboration with world-class faculty and industry. Merging the latest technology, services, and pedagogy, upGrad is creating an immersive learning experience – anytime and anywhere.
  3. Unacademy: The online education site which tops this list for being an incredibly popular and valuable resource, Unacademy will help you in developing and polishing your skills. Whether it is a competitive exam you are preparing for or want to learn something new, you can search through over 400+ courses in all sorts of different topics and download the Unacademy app to take your learning mobile for quick lessons and study sessions when you’re on the go.

Unacademy offers both free and paid courses. If you yourself are an expert and are looking to create and launch a course of your own, then you can also become an instructor with Unacademy and take advantage of their massive user base to attract students.

  1. Khan Academy: Started as a non-profit educational organization in 2006, with the vision of educating students online for free. There are various lessons available at Khan Academy, which are also available on YouTube. You can access the courses that can be accessed online or on your mobile device and most have been translated into several languages, with nearly 20,000 subtitle translations available. While it cannot replace a formal education, it’s an easy way to learn new skills as you advance your career.
  2. Microsoft Learn: If you are planning on learning any of the various Microsoft products and services, this is the platform for you. Microsoft learns various learning paths and certifications through several modules that are relevant to the course topic and certifications are more focused. The courses are also followed by one or two exams which is necessary to earn the certification. The courses are self-paced and exams are free through Microsoft, however, you can also opt for an instructor-led course through Microsoft Certified Trainers. Though, it’s not guaranteed that the certified trainers will offer courses for free, so that is something to consider if you want entirely free courses.
  3. MIT OpenCourseWare: MIT University in 2001 launched an amazing initiative where it published all its undergraduate and graduate-level course material online for free. After one of the topmost universities took this decision, some others also followed suit. So, if you are planning to learn a new tech skill, you can check out the MIT OpenCourseWare to see what they have on your topic-of-interest, all for free.

With so much information available online, it is now very easy to acquire new tech skills with ease and comfort. You no more have to run around looking for the best, as their websites are available for you to choose the course from.

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