
Petrol prices reach record levels in Dehradun

In Dehradun, petrol was sold at 78.58 and diesel at 68.86 rupees at record price on Thursday. In the last 40 days, petrol prices have increased by Rs 2.80 and diesel has been increased by Rs 3.53. Before thursday’s new high Petrol and diesel,was sold at the peak record price of 76.06 in September 2013. With the continuous increase in prices of petrochemical items, the pressure on the public has started pouring in. Obviously, it is also going to have an impact on inflation.

Since the last 13 days, oil companies have been increasing the daily prices of petrol and diesel by 10 to 30 paisa per day. On April 14, petrol was sold at Dehradun at 75.78 and diesel was 65.33 rupees. At the same time, on Thursday, the rate was 78.58 and 68.86 for petrol and diesel respectively. Even though this price increase is in paise per day, but due to rising daily, prices are skyrocketing. Due to the increase in diesel prices, public transport has also started to increase their price. Increasing freight also influences the prices of vegetable and fruit. In the last six-seven days, the prices of vegetable-fruits have increased by about five to 15 per cent.

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