3 Must Watch TED Talks For Teachers & Students On The Occasion of Teacher’s Day


India celebrates 5th September – the birthday of the second President of India, Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan as Teacher’s Day. On this occasion, schools and colleges around the country do events and ceremonies in schools to facilitate teachers who are nurturing students who could be the leaders of tomorrow. On this occasion, every year new and innovative ways of engaging students and teachers are brought to the forefront. Many schools in India have active TED-Ed clubs. TED-Ed celebrates the ideas of teachers and students around the world. This year will see many TED-Ed clubs organising TED-Salon like events in schools where the school teachers’ and students will watch TEDx talks given by thought leaders around the world. A TED-Ed school leader shared the below Must Watch TEDx talk list which he has curated for his school’s teacher’s day celebration.

Creative Ways to get kids to thrive in school: By Olympia Della Flora

To get young kids to thrive in school, we need to do more than teach them how to read and write — we need to teach them how to manage their emotions, says educator Olympia Della Flora. In this practical talk, she shares creative tactics she used to help struggling, sometimes disruptive students — things like stopping for brain breaks, singing songs and even doing yoga poses — all with her existing budget and resources. “Small changes make huge differences, and it’s possible to start right now … You simply need smarter ways to think about using what you have, where you have it,” she says.

Click Here to watch the talk.

Equation of Guaranteed Success: By Purvi Tantia

In order to get students to be successful in life, we need to make them aware of 2 integral components in life – intelligent quotient and emotional quotient – we need to teach them that both success and failure give us reasons to celebrate and lessons from both success and failure help us be successful in life, says educator Purvi Tantia. In this practical talk, she shares a success equation which she used to help parents to guide their children towards success, where success was defined not only in terms of career success, but broadly in terms of being healthy, wealthy and wise.

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Click Here to watch the talk.

The gift and power of emotional courage: By Sasan David

Psychologist Susan David shares how the way we deal with our emotions shapes everything that matters: our actions, careers, relationships, health and happiness. In this deeply moving, humorous and potentially life-changing talk, she challenges a culture that prizes positivity over emotional truth and discusses the powerful strategies of emotional agility. A talk to share.

Click Here to watch the talk.

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