Dusty winds from Rajasthan increase pollution in Nainital


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The sharp dusty winds of Rajasthan are polluting the atmospehere in Nainital. The PM 2.5 level of pollution that is considered to be extremely dangerous has increased eight fold in Nainital. According to scientists, this is a matter of great concern. Its effect is seen in the Himalayan region along with the general public.

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According to information from Nainital’s Aryabhata Observatory Science Research Institute, on June 12, the level of PM 2.5 in Nainital was 20 microns per cubic meter. It also remains around this level normal days, which is environmentally friendly. Dusty winds originating from Rajasthan have brought the level of pollution in North India to a very worrisome situation.

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According to atmospheric scientists, the quantity of PM 2.5 in the last two days has increased by eight times, with 170 microns per cubic meter dissolved with the air. They described this situation as extremely alarming. They said that the winds originated from the countries of the Middle East and Arabia are also the reason. This quantity of PM 2.5 with air in the Himalayas can affect glaciers.

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