Last solar eclipse of 2019 to be observed on 26 December


The third and last solar eclipse of this year will be visible on 26 December in Eastern Europe, Asia, North-Western Australia and East Africa, including India. There is a curiosity among the people about the solar eclipse that looks like a ring.

Religious belief behind Solar Eclipse

According to religious belief, Lord Vishnu took the form of Maha Mohini and separated the gods and demons, when there was a dispute between the gods and the demons during the Amrit Manthan. Some demons sat in the line of gods. While distributing the nectar, the sun and the moon saw the demons taking the nectar and they told Lord Vishnu. Vishnu separated the heads and torso of the demons with the Sudarshan Chakra, but they did not die. The head portion is called Rahu and the torso is called Ketu. For this reason, Rahu and Ketu consider Sun and Moon as their enemies.

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Scientific reason for Solar Eclipse

Earth revolves around the Sun and the Moon revolves around the Earth. Sometimes in this process the moon comes between the sun and the earth. This prevents some or all of the sun from coming to the earth. This event happens on the new moon day. If the moon covers some part of the sun, the block is called an eclipse. Sometimes it also happens when the moon completely covers the sun, it is called a complete eclipse.

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