Apple and Google remove Fortnite from their app store


Apple and Google on Thursday removed the popular game Fortnite from their App Store. Apple and Google have taken this action because Epic Games, the company that makes Fortnite games, has launched a direct payment plan for users, bypassing Apple and Google. Both Apple and Google earn 30 percent of revenue from in-app purchases. On Thursday, the game’s developer has updated both versions of Fortnite, which gives users the option of direct payment. Although Fortnite is a free game, but users have to pay for some things in this game.

Direct payment plan presented for the user

Commenting on the matter, Epic Games said in a blog post that the company is offering a direct payment plan for iOS and Play Store. The game developer said that this new system has a single payment system that will be applicable for PC and Mac computers and Android devices.

Google said, ‘As long as Fortnite remains available on Android, we cannot make it available on Playstore because it violates our policies. However, we welcome the opportunity to continue our discussion with Epic and bring Fortnite back to Google Play. ‘

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Despite the removal, Fortnite will still be available on Android. Android users can download Fortnite from the Samsung Galaxy Store on other app stores such as the Epic Games app or Samsung device. But there is no such option available for iPhone users.

It is an online video game with 250 million users worldwide. In this, 100 players compete online simultaneously. In this, users get many types of weapons. A match takes about 20 minutes. If you have died in the game then you can also play a new game immediately. Children older than 12 years are allowed to play this game in Europe.

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