Google Map to show greenest route


In this era of smart phones, Google Map remains our guide. GPS navigation have been revolutionized through Google Maps. Now, Google is going to make this need of ours eco-friendly. Google Maps will soon take people through the least polluting eco-friendly routes to their destination. This means that there will be routes where the level of pollution is low.

Google says that this new eco-friendly feature of Google Maps will be launched in the US by the end of this year and after that it will be launched in other countries.

So far, Google Maps shows the shortest route, or the one that takes the least time. Provides alternative avenues even if there is a jam or any kind of blockage.

How will this feature work?

After the launch of the default feature, Google Maps will show only the default eco-friendly route. Users have to come out of this default setting to go to alternate routes.

Other avenues will also suggest that Google Maps will show both options when alternative routes are faster than eco-friendly routes. In such a situation, there will be a figure of green house gases on both the paths in front of the users. By comparing them, users will be able to adopt any one path.

Russell Dicker, director of this product of Green Roads Google Maps, says that for 50% of the routes Google analyzed in the US, it offered alternative eco-friendly routes without major losses.

Google used the US Government’s National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) to estimate greenhouse gases on the roads, the number of vehicles passing through different routes, the type of vehicles (diesel, petrol or CNG), along with the type of roads. These include data such as slope and climb of roads.

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At the same time, Google also used drones and satellite images with its Street View vehicles. Similarly, green routes will be identified in other countries.

Apart from this, from June 2021, Google will also start warning drivers to travel through areas with low carbon gases. In countries such as Germany, France and the Netherlands, vehicles have restricted movement to keep low carbon emissions.

By the end of this year, Google Maps will launch another feature. In this, the user will not only get the options of the routes, but also he can compare between different ways of traveling at the same place. Such as cars, bicycles, public transport etc. So far, users have to switch modes repeatedly to compare travel options from different modes.

Weather and air quality maps are also being prepared

Google is preparing new maps (weather and air quality layer map) based on weather and air quality. These will be rolled out in the coming months for both Android and iOS platforms. According to a report, this map will be first launched in Australia, India and the US.

Road pollution is very dangerous for our health

Vehicles on the highway emit polluting gases and particles such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, lead, particulate matter. Apart from these, ozone is also formed by special chemical reaction. All these are very harmful for our health.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2): A small amount of this colorless gas in the air that is very dangerous for asthma patients can greatly reduce the lung capacity of asthma patients. Chest tightness and high cough may also arise. Health can become so bad that medical help may be required. Pollution of sulfur dioxide combined with dust becomes more dangerous.
Carbon monoxide (CO): It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that affects the oxygen supply of the heart and brain. This gas stops the supply of oxygen in the body through the bloodstream. This affects the heart and mind the most. Especially dangerous for heart patients.
Oxides of Nitrogen (NO, NO2): Ability to fight flu eliminate oxidation of nitrogen present in the air and fuel during combustion at very high temperatures to form nitrogen oxides such as nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2). NO2 decreases the ability to fight influenza-like infections in the lungs. Prolonged exposure to these gases increases the likelihood of acute respiratory illness (asthma) in children.
Lead (Pb): Stops the mental development of children Small amounts of lead are also very harmful for newborns and children. This can stop their mental development. The brain is damaged with the ability to look around. Their ability to meditate with memory can also be weakened.
Particulate matter: Very small particles of dust and pollutants in the lungs, inflammation on the heart, are called particulate. These particles very easily go deep into the lungs. These can cause lung infections and inflammation. People with heart and lung diseases are very dangerous.

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