
Google updates Chrome browser logo after 8 years

Google is changing its Chrome browser logo after 8 years. A designer of Google Chrome informed about the redesign of the logo through a thread on Twitter.

Designer Alvin Ho tweeted, ‘Some of you may have noticed a new icon in Chrome’s Canary Update today. Yes, we are refreshing Chrome’s Brand Icon for the first time in 8 years. Soon the new icon will be visible on your device.’

How’s the new logo?

The shadow has been removed from the icon and made it Simple and Flat. The colors are brighter than before and the proportions are different. Due to this the blue ball in the middle becomes bigger. Alvin Ho told that he has created OS Specific Customization.

The new icon will be visible to all

According to Alvin Ho, if you use Chrome Canary, then from now on you will start seeing a new icon. Also the new icon will be visible to everyone in a few months.

Earlier the logo was changed in 2014

The new Google Chrome logo will soon be live for users across all devices with the release of Chrome 100. Earlier its logo was changed in 2008, 2011 and 2014.

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