Scientits say Covid-19 93 percent similar to SARS virus



Scientists engaged in finding a cure for the novel coronavirus have achieved a breakthrough. They have identified the target through which Covid-19 can be treated. For this, scientists have assessed the entire mechanism through which coronavirus enters the cells of our body.

Scientists have studied how this virus enters the human body. They also looked at how similar other viruses are processed. The researchers also compared the small proteins responsible for the coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 and the 2002-03 pandemic and a mixture of SARS viruses.

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The study, published in the journal ‘Anti-viral’ research, found that the virus responsible for Covid-19 and the SARS virus had a 93 percent similarity. Researchers from Cornell University in the United States were also involved in the study.

Researchers hope that future studies will be able to understand how the virus enters the human body, what chemical signals lead to the process. How does this virus replicate so easily in the respiratory region?

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