Uttarakhand Board Exams 2023: Exams to start from March 16; results to be out by May 25


Education Minister Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat said that the results of the Uttarakhand Board examinations 2023 starting from March 16 will be declared before May 25. The examinations will be done with complete transparency. Instructions have been given to the officers regarding the organization of mock-free examinations.

1253 examination centers have been set up for the examination. On which a total of 2,59,439 students will appear for the exam. Mobiles will be completely banned at the examination centers during the examination. In a review meeting held at the Directorate General of School Education regarding the preparations for the board examinations, the minister said that mobile teams should be formed at different levels for cheat-free examinations.

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Along with this, extra vigilance will be taken on the examination centers which have been in the sensitive category more than three times so that the examination without cheating can be conducted successfully.

Dr. Rawat told that 1,32,115 students of high school and 1,27,324 students of intermediate are involved in the board examinations of high school and intermediate to be held from March 16 to April 6, 2023.

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