Udham Singh Nagaruttarakhand news

Uttarakhand’s Gurmeet Singh qualifies for Rio Olympics 2016

Bazpur: Residents of Bazpur a town in the district of Udham Singh Nagar of Uttarakhand had a reason to rejoice after one of its residents Gurmeet Singh qualified for the Olympic games to be held in Rio in 2016. Gurmit Singh has  qualified to be part of the Indian  contingent in the 20 km long walk race.

He is a current Indian record holder in the 20 km race walk, which he set in the Indian Grand Prix I in Patiala in May 2011. Gurmeet had also qualified for the London Olympics in 2012. Now with experience on his side, well wishers are hopefull of even more glory for the 30 year old athlete who is currently undergoing training in Bangalore.

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